Birgitta Resvik
Senior Advisor


Birgitta Resvik is Senior Advisor at Lumo Advice

Birgitta Resvik is well known and respected among Swedish industry and energy stakeholders. She has for several years held important roles in the field of energy and climate. Particularly central was her achievements as energy and climate manager at The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) where she, ahead of many others, realised the importance of climate awareness for Swedish industry. Birgitta then moved on to Vice President, with responsibility for public affairs, at Fortum in Sweden.

Today Birgitta is chairperson at the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), as well as a representative at their Council for Industry of the Future. In addition, she is chairperson of the board at the Research Foundation of Gustaf Richert, as well as of the Department of Space, Earth and Environment at Chalmers University of Technology. Furthermore she is boardmember at the Project Mistra Carbon Exit, Phoenix Biopower and member of the Nomination Committee at Sweco.